Last Updated or created 2023-10-05
Created this for usage with Kodi, for our own personal movies, which can’t be scraped by movie scrapers obviously.
(dvd-rip,digital video, mobile movies, OBS, Vuze and Nikon movies for example)
UPDATE V2 added functions
This is a followup on:
Works on Windows also!
Needed libraries: (install with pip)
pathlib, Pillow, pymediainfo,PySimpleGUI,python-vlc
NFO created
Title – editable (generated from filename)
Duration – mediainfo data in seconds
Plot – Single line type it yourself
Actors – Predefined
Tags – Predefined checkboxes
Country – Pulldown ( I use this as location, Scotland, Asia, Garden)
Year – default 2023, copy button from mobile phone metadata year
Genre – Pulldown
- File select and loaded
- Play movie, scrub thretro movie
- Create snapshot
- Play/Mute/Pause
- Playtimer
- Auto update NFO text field with selectable options
- Poster art – rotate
- Poster art – brightness
- Reload Thumb after snapshotting
- Year extracted from filename
- add tag field
- Next file (button AND functionality)
- checkboxes from text list
- Read NFO from file into fields
- Poster art – aspect ratio
Needs work
Wish list
- Poster art – contrast?
- Low – more mediainfo?
- Low – Media rotate??
The GUI in action (V1)
Kodi example
I place this python script in every library directory. So i can change the checkboxes and the NFO being generated.
I fill the directory with symlinks for every movie I want to have included in this directory, but this is not needed. (thats the way I like to do things)
(This is the directory I scrape into Kodi)
from pathlib import Path from sys import platform as PLATFORM import os import re import PySimpleGUI as sg import vlc from pymediainfo import MediaInfo from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageTk, ImageOps, ImageFilter from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET ''' WARNING, NFO overwrites previous!! ''' alltags = ["music", "pipes", "computer","bbq","fun","art","travel","hobby","family","retro","compilation","retro","vuze"] #------- WINDOWS FIX --------# if PLATFORM.startswith('linux'): print("yeah linux baby!") else: os.add_dll_directory(r'E:\VLC') duration=0 tmptag="" def nextFile(currentfile,dir): newfile="" dirpath = os.path.dirname(dir) fileList = [] for f in os.listdir(dirpath): #fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, f) fpath = f if os.path.isfile(fpath) and f.endswith(('.mp4', '.mov', '.mpg','.avi','.mkv','.3gp')): fileList.append(fpath) fileList.sort() for i in range(len(fileList)): # print("fileList[i] " + fileList[i]) try: if (fileList[i]) == currentfile: newfile=fileList[i+1] break except: newfile=fileList return newfile def loadthumb(thumbfile): # IF exists path_to_file = thumbfile path = Path(path_to_file) if path.is_file(): im = im=ImageOps.contain(im, (640,640)) thumbimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image=im) window['thumb'].update(data=thumbimage) else: window['thumb'].update("") def loadnfo(file): #LOAD NFO nfo=file + ".nfo" path = Path(nfo) if path.is_file(): f = open(nfo, "r") f.close() # print ("file : " + nfo) innfo="".join([s for s in innfo.strip().splitlines(True) if s.strip()]) # Clear some fields window['year'].update("") window['plot'].update("") # Update fields test if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('country') is not None: nfolocation = ET.fromstring(innfo).find('country') window['location'].update(value=nfolocation.text) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('year') is not None: nfoyear = ET.fromstring(innfo).find('year') window['year'].update(nfoyear.text) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('plot') is not None: nfoplot = ET.fromstring(innfo).find('plot') window['plot'].update(nfoplot.text) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('title') is not None: nfotitle = ET.fromstring(innfo).find('title') window['-NM-'].update(nfotitle.text) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('genre') is not None: nfogenre = ET.fromstring(innfo).find('genre') window['genre'].update(value=nfogenre.text) window['coline'].update(False) window['henri'].update(False) window['monique'].update(False) for actor in ET.fromstring(innfo).findall('actor'): name = actor.find('role').text if name == "Coline": window['coline'].update(True) if name == "Henri": window['henri'].update(True) if name == "Monique": window['monique'].update(True) for alltag in alltags: window[alltag].update(False) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('tag') is not None: for tag in ET.fromstring(innfo).findall('tag'): if tag.text in window.AllKeysDict: window[tag.text].update(True) window['coline'].update(False) window['henri'].update(False) window['monique'].update(False) for actor in ET.fromstring(innfo).findall('actor'): name = actor.find('role').text if name == "Coline": window['coline'].update(True) if name == "Henri": window['henri'].update(True) if name == "Monique": window['monique'].update(True) for alltag in alltags: window[alltag].update(False) if ET.fromstring(innfo).find('tag') is not None: for tag in ET.fromstring(innfo).find('tag'): window[tag.text].update(True) else: innfo="" window['LOADNFO'].update(innfo) #------- Button definition --------# def btn(name): return sg.Button(name, size=(6, 2), pad=(1, 1)) #def tag(name): # return sg.Checkbox(name, enable_events=True) #------- GUI definition & setup --------# sg.theme('SystemDefaultForReal') l1=sg.Text("New title") l2=sg.Multiline(" ", expand_x=True, key='-OUT-', expand_y=True,justification='left', size=(20,15)) l3=sg.Multiline(" ", expand_x=True, key='LOADNFO', expand_y=True,justification='left', size=(20,15)) l4=sg.Text("Plot") t1=sg.Input("", key='-NM-') t2=sg.Input("", key='plot',enable_events=True) cb=[] for alltag in alltags: cb.append(sg.Checkbox(alltag, key=alltag, enable_events=True)) cb.append(sg.Input("", key='addtag',size=(5, 1), enable_events=True)) cb.append(sg.Combo(["Lab","Datacenter","home","Outside","Outside","Lloydwebber","Steenweg","Enschede","Netherlands","Germany","Italy","Scotland","Canada","Egypt","Belgium","Sweden","Ireland","Asia","NewZealand","Hilversum"],default_value='Lab',key='location')) cb.append(sg.Combo(["Storage","Funny","Vacation","Music","Relation"],default_value='Storage',key='genre')) nameyear=[] nameyear.append(sg.Checkbox("Coline", key='coline', enable_events=True,default=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Checkbox("Henri", key='henri', enable_events=True,default=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Checkbox("Monique", key='monique', enable_events=True,default=False)) nameyear.append(sg.Input("2023",key='year',size=(5, 1), enable_events=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Button("copyyear\nmetadata", key='copymeta', size=(20, 1), pad=(1, 1), enable_events=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Input("",key='metayear',size=(5, 1), enable_events=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Button("copyyear\nfilename", key='copyname', size=(20, 1), pad=(1, 1), enable_events=True)) nameyear.append(sg.Input("",key='fileyear',size=(5, 1), enable_events=True)) b1=sg.Button("WRITE NFO", key='write', enable_events=True) b2=sg.Button("Exit", key='exit', enable_events=True) #------- Layout total --------# layout = [[sg.Input(key='-VIDEO_LOCATION-', visible=False, enable_events=True), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("Video files", "*.mkv *.mov *.mp4 *3gp *avi *mpg"),)),btn('next')], [sg.Text('Load media to start', key='-MESSAGE_AREA-')], [sg.Image('', size=(600, 480), key='-VID_OUT-', pad=(1, 1)),sg.Image('', size=(600, 480), key='thumb', pad=(1, 1))], [btn('mute'), btn('play'), btn('pause'), btn('stop'), btn('snap'), btn('snaprot'), btn('lighten'), btn('darken'), sg.Combo(["4:3","16:9","9:16"],key='aspect',enable_events=True)], [sg.Slider(range=(0, 1000), default_value=1, expand_x=True, enable_events=True, orientation='horizontal', key='-SL-')], [sg.Text('org title', key='orgtitle')], [l1, t1, l4, t2],[cb],[nameyear],[b1, l2, l3, b2], [sg.Text('GENERATED -= mini nfo writer =- PREVIOUS', key='footer')] ] #------- Set window --------# window = sg.Window('Mini NFO generator', layout, element_justification='center', finalize=True, resizable=True) #------- VID out window --------# window['-VID_OUT-'].expand(True, True) #------------ Media Player Setup ---------# inst = vlc.Instance() list_player = inst.media_list_player_new() media_list = inst.media_list_new([]) list_player.set_media_list(media_list) player = list_player.get_media_player() if PLATFORM.startswith('linux'): player.set_xwindow(window['-VID_OUT-'].Widget.winfo_id()) else: player.set_hwnd(window['-VID_OUT-'].Widget.winfo_id()) #------------ I Want default mute ---------# player.audio_set_mute(True) #------------ The Event Loop ------------# while True: event, values = # run with a timeout so that current location can be updated if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break if event == 'mute': mutevalue = player.audio_get_mute() if mutevalue==0: player.audio_set_mute(True) if mutevalue==1: player.audio_set_mute(False) if event == 'play': if event == 'pause': list_player.pause() if event == 'stop': list_player.stop() if event == 'snap': list_player.pause() filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + "-poster.png" player.video_take_snapshot(0, newname, 0, 0) loadthumb(newname) if event == 'snaprot': list_player.pause() filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + "-poster.png" im1 = im1 = im1.rotate(90, Image.NEAREST, expand = 1) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if event == 'lighten': list_player.pause() filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + "-poster.png" im1 = im1 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im1) im1 = im1.enhance(1.2) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if event == 'darken': list_player.pause() filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + "-poster.png" im1 = im1 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im1) im1 = im1.enhance(0.8) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if event == 'aspect': filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + "-poster.png" if values['aspect'] == "4:3": im1 = im1 = im1.resize((1920 ,int(1920/4*3)), Image.ANTIALIAS) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if values['aspect'] == "16:9": im1 = im1 = im1.resize((1920 ,int(1920/16*9)), Image.ANTIALIAS) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if values['aspect'] == "9:16": im1 = im1 = im1.resize((int(1920/16*9),1080), Image.ANTIALIAS) im1 = loadthumb(newname) if event == 'write': filename = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortfilename = filename.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] newname = shortfilename + ".nfo" f = open(newname, "w") f.write(out) f.close() loadnfo(shortfilename) if event == 'copymeta': if datefromfile is not None: window['year'].update(datefromfile) if event == 'copyname': if fileyear is not None: window['year'].update(fileyear) if event == '-SL-': pos=int(values['-SL-']) player.set_position(pos/ 1000.0) if values['coline'] == False: colinetext = "" if values['coline'] == True: colinetext = """<actor> <name>Coline Lastname</name> <role>Coline</role> </actor>""" if values['henri'] == False: henritext = "" if values['henri'] == True: henritext = """<actor> <name>Henri Aanstoot</name> <role>Henri</role> </actor>""" if values['monique'] == False: moniquetext = "" if values['monique'] == True: moniquetext = """<actor> <name>Monique Lastname</name> <role>Monique</role> </actor>""" if event == '-VIDEO_LOCATION-': if values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] and not 'Video URL' in values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']: media_list.remove_index(0) media_list.add_media(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) list_player.set_media_list(media_list) shortname = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] shortname = shortname.rsplit( "/", 1 )[ 1 ] nextfile=nextFile(shortname,"./") shortname = shortname.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] window['-NM-'].update(shortname) # only add a legit submit list_player.stop() thumbname=shortname + "-poster.png" loadthumb(thumbname) #Print org title window['orgtitle'].update(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) loadnfo(shortname) #DURATION mi = MediaInfo.parse(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) duration=int(mi.tracks[0].duration/1000) #DATE FROM media metadate=mi.tracks[0].encoded_date if metadate is not None: datefromfile=next(iter(re.findall(r"[1][9][8-9][0-9]|[2][0][0-9]{2}", metadate)), None) window['metayear'].update(datefromfile) # YEAR FROM FILENAME fileyear=next(iter(re.findall(r"[1][9][8-9][0-9]|[2][0][0-9]{2}", shortname)), None) # year from filename if fileyear is not None: window['fileyear'].update(fileyear) if event == 'next': values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] = nextfile window['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'].update(nextfile) if values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] and not 'Video URL' in values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']: media_list.remove_index(0) media_list.add_media(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) list_player.set_media_list(media_list) shortname = values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'] # shortname = shortname.rsplit( "/", 1 )[ 1 ] nextfile=nextFile(shortname,"./") #print(nextfile) shortname = shortname.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] window['-NM-'].update(shortname) # only add a legit submit list_player.stop() thumbname=shortname + "-poster.png" loadthumb(thumbname) #Print org title window['orgtitle'].update(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) loadnfo(shortname) #DURATION mi = MediaInfo.parse(values['-VIDEO_LOCATION-']) duration=int(mi.tracks[0].duration/1000) #DATE FROM media metadate=mi.tracks[0].encoded_date if metadate is not None: datefromfile=next(iter(re.findall(r"[1][9][8-9][0-9]|[2][0][0-9]{2}", metadate)), None) window['metayear'].update(datefromfile) # YEAR FROM FILENAME fileyear=next(iter(re.findall(r"[1][9][8-9][0-9]|[2][0][0-9]{2}", shortname)), None) # year from filename if fileyear is not None: window['fileyear'].update(fileyear) # media_list.add_media(nextfile) ## shortname = nextfile.rsplit( ".", 1 )[ 0 ] ## window['-NM-'].update(shortname) # only add a legit submit # print(nextfile) # window['-VIDEO_LOCATION-'].update(nextfile) # # hier moeten wat update dingen bij! # Add tag if event == 'addtag': tmptag="<tag>" + values['addtag'] + "</tag>" #------------ exit ---------# if event=='exit': exit() #------------ TAGS ---------# subs=[x.Text for x in cb if x.get()==True] for idx, x in enumerate(subs): subs[idx]="<tag>" + subs[idx] + "</tag>" if values['year'] == False: year=str(2023) else: year=values['year'] if values['location'] == False: location="Lab" else: location=values['location'] if values['plot'] == False: plot="" else: plot=values['plot'] if values['genre'] == False: genre="Storage" else: genre=values['genre'] #------------ NFO TEXT FIELD ---------# out="""<movie> <title>{}</title> <plot>{}</plot> <genre>{}</genre> <duration>{}</duration> <year>{}</year> <country>{}</country> {} {} {} {} {} </movie> """.format(values['-NM-'],plot,genre,duration,year,location,colinetext,henritext,moniquetext,tmptag, "\n".join(subs)) out="".join([s for s in out.strip().splitlines(True) if s.strip()]) window['-OUT-'].update(out) #------------ Messages and timer ---------# # update elapsed time if there is a video loaded and the player is playing if player.is_playing(): window['-MESSAGE_AREA-'].update("{:02d}:{:02d} / {:02d}:{:02d}".format(*divmod(player.get_time()//1000, 60), *divmod(player.get_length()//1000, 60))) else: window['-MESSAGE_AREA-'].update('Load media to start' if media_list.count() == 0 else 'Ready to play media' ) window.close()