Obfuscating color logo in bash

Last Updated or created 2023-10-12

Something from my old archive.

Colleage’s used to like the method.

source with color escape code applied
32=green 31=red and 97=white

echo  -e "\e[0;32m '.::///+:/-.        --///+//-:'' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;32m  '+oooooooooooo:   '+oooooooooooo: " 
echo  -e "\e[0;32m   /oooo++//ooooo:  ooooo+//+ooooo. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;32m   '+ooooooo:-:oo-  +o+::/ooooooo: " 
echo  -e "\e[0;32m    ':oooooooo+''    '.oooooooo+- " 
echo  -e "\e[0;32m      ':++ooo/.        :+ooo+/.' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m        ...'  '.----.' ''.. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m      .::::-'':::::::::.'-:::-'            \e[0;97m    www.henriaanstoot.nl" 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m     -:::-'   .:::::::-'  '-:::-           \e[0;97m    Test logo"
echo  -e "\e[0;31m    '::.  '.--.'  '' '.---.''.::' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m        .::::::::'  -::::::::' ' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m  .::' .:::::::::- '::::::::::''::. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m -:::' ::::::::::.  ::::::::::.':::- " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m ::::  -::::::::.   '-::::::::  :::: " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m -::-   .-:::-.''....''.-::-.   -::- " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m  .. ''       .::::::::.     '..'.. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m    -:::-'   -::::::::::'  .:::::' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m    :::::::' -::::::::::' :::::::. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m    .:::::::  -::::::::. :::::::: " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m     '-:::::'   ..--.'   ::::::. " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m       '...'  '...--..'  '...' " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m             .:::::::::: " 
echo  -e "\e[0;31m              '.-::::-'  " 

Obfuscate the logo to a file (1 time only)

cat source | base64 - -w0 1> ~/bin/logo.ob

Writes file (safe to copy paste/transfer) with:

Create an alias with the logo

alias logo=$(cat ~/bin/logo.ob | base64 -d )

executing logo will produce the logo

Bookstack – A new (for me) way do document stuff.

Last Updated or created 2023-10-09

I’m always looking for new better ways to document stuff.

I’ve tested a lot, some things i’ve used personally for years.
Same or other tools I implemented also at Customers.

Everybody starts off with text files.
Then I used Hyper when I was using MS-Dos.

Many wiki’s came, and went.

  • Twiki – Work
  • Foswiki – Work, Highland Valley Pipeband, personal
  • Docuwiki
  • MediaWiki (pipetunesearch) and more

I tried to document in wordpress, but that’s not suitable.

I still got stuff in Nextcloud, Google Drive and Joplin. These are only for fast access to unstructured information.

I don’t like Wysiwig that much, also I like to use OpenSource and Open standards.

So discovering a knowledge base engine like Bookstack is always nice.

I installed a docker version in my Lab to experiment with.

So far so good.
Markup Language, and export to PDF, Markup, Html and Contained webfile.

I’ve changed the docker-compose.yml because I’ve got my dedicated Database server for that:

version: "2"
    image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack
    container_name: bookstack
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - APP_URL=http://bookstack.henriaanstoot.nl:6875/
      - DB_PORT=3306
      - DB_USER=bookstackuser
      - DB_PASS=bookstackpassword
      - DB_DATABASE=bookstackapp
      - ./bookstack_app_data:/config
      - 6875:80
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./bookstack_db_data:/config
    restart: unless-stopped

While playing with this I forgot my credentials .. duh

Using portainer terminal access to the docker to add a new admin user

OpenPLC editor with Raspberry and Arduino

Last Updated or created 2023-10-15

Here I’m going to post my tests with OpenPLC.

UPDATE 20231012 202301015

It’s a long time i’ve made a PLC ladder, but lets see how and what this integration brings me.

OpenPLC interface on a Raspberry, I could not start a program on RPI 5!
But it compiled correctly. See below rpi3
Schematic with a led and two buttons (and one floating in the middel, which i forgot to remove)
Working example ( wemos and display are from another project those are not connected )

UPDATE 20231015 – Raspberry 3 with OpenPLC

GND to leds and buttons
GPIO2 (pin 3) to a button
GPIO3 (pin 5) to another button
GPIO14 (pin 8) to the led

Now OpenPLC works correct (RPI3)

cd OpenPLC_v3
./install.sh rpi 

## Warning .. takes a really long time

Wiringpi is deprecated
But can be installed using the last git repo

git clone https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi.git
cd WiringPi

I’ve got a Raspberry 5, lets start experimenting

Last Updated or created 2023-11-09

So many things to try .. and probably buy.
I’m lucky to have this already, official it’s not even out yet.


  • Processor : Broadcom BCM2712 2.4GHz quad-core 64-bit Arm Cortex-A76 CPU, B with cryptography extensions, 512KB per-core L2 caches, and a 2MB shared L3 cache


  • VideoCore VII GPU, supporting OpenGL ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.2
  • Dual 4Kp60 HDMI® display output with HDR support
  • 4Kp60 HEVC decoder
  • LPDDR4X-4267 SDRAM
    (4GB and 8GB SKUs available at launch)
  • Dual-band 802.11ac Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth 5.0 / Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
  • microSD card slot, with support for high-speed SDR104 mode
  • 2 × USB 3.0 ports, supporting simultaneous 5Gbps operation
  • 2 × USB 2.0 ports
  • Gigabit Ethernet, with PoE+ support
    (requires separate PoE+ HAT)
  • 2 × 4-lane MIPI camera/display transceivers
  • PCIe 2.0 x1 interface for fast peripherals
    (requires separate M.2 HAT or other adapter)
  • 5V/5A DC power via USB-C, with Power Delivery support
  • Raspberry Pi standard 40-pin header
  • Real-time clock (RTC), powered from external battery
  • Power button

Some things come to mind to test:

  • Kubernetes
  • Dual Camera OpenCV – depthmap and more

You really want to use a case with an active blower to cool the rpi.

Measurements without cooling:

  • Power off – part most hot 28 degrees
  • Power on – Idle, around 40 degrees
  • Power on – Playing 4k for 5 minutes – 60+ degrees

Flir info https://www.henriaanstoot.nl/2023/06/05/checking-faulty-chips-hardware/

I didn’t have a image for Raspberry OS 5 at first, so I took a rpi 4 version and first replaced files in /boot
(Device Tree blob files)

Now at least i could boot into an OS.

Later I got a link to the Alpha boot images, this greatly improved usability and speed 🙂

Youtube 4k movie on a 2560×1080 monitor

Made a little overview website:


Some old and some new demo stuff

Last Updated or created 2023-10-05

A dentro (Combination of demo and intro.) from 1995

It using only background colors behind existing text to display the dentro text. There is (somewhere) a version with animations.

New work:

Booting from floppy, showing a flash screen in mode 13h.
Starting a trackloader, which loads a raw adlib file and plays it.
All sectors written to floppy using my new sector writer.
WOOT .. music at boot time!

Sector writer

org 0100h
; 0 0 1
; bootblock with flashcode
	mov cl,1  ; start
	mov al,1  ; # sectors
	mov dh,0  ; head
	mov bx,bootblock
	call wrtsector

; flash image
	mov cl,8
	mov al,4
	mov dh,0
	mov bx,gfx
	call wrtsector

; Music loader
	mov cl,7  ; start
	mov al,1  ; # sectors
	mov dh,0  ; head
	mov bx,nextpart
	call wrtsector

; Music raw
	mov cl,13  ; start
	mov al,4  ; # sectors
	mov dh,0  ; head
	mov bx,musicraw
	call wrtsector

	jmp do_exit

	push cs		; make ds same as cs
	pop ds
	MOV DX,TxtErr1	; error
	MOV AH,09h
	INT 21h
	mov ax,4c00h
	int 21h
	mov ax,4c00h
	int 21h
;       On entry:      AH         03h
;                      AL         Number of sectors to write
;                      CH         Cylinder number (10-bit value; upper 2 bits
;                                 in CL)
;                      CL         Starting sector number
;                      DH         Head number
;                      DL         Drive number
;                      ES:BX      Address of memory buffer
;       Returns:       AH         Status of operation (See Service 01h)
;                      AL         Number of sectors written
;                      CF         Set if error, else cleared

	mov ah, 3h    ; int13h function 2
	mov ch, 0     ; from cylinder number 0
	mov dl,0
	push cs 
	pop es
	int 13h
	jc printerror

TxtErr1:	 DB "Error!",7,10,13,"$"

	file 'flash_b.bin'
	file 'flashgfx.raw'
	file 'nextpart.bin'

I wanted to know how a floppy differs from a floppy.
So i wrote below code to fill each sector on a floppy disk or image with information at the start of each sector.
(Head, Cylinder and Sector)

empty.bin was made using
dd if=/dev/zero of=empty.bin count=1 bs=512

org 0100h

	mov ch,0  ; cyl
	mov cl,1  ; sector
	mov dh,0  ; head
	mov bx,empty
	mov [empty],dh
	mov [empty+1],ch
	mov [empty+2],cl
	push cx
	push ax
	push dx
	call printer
	call wrtsector
	pop dx
	pop ax
	pop ax
	inc cl
	cmp cl,19
	jnz nextsector
	mov cl,1
	inc ch
	cmp ch,79
	jnz nextsector
; other side
	mov dh,1
	mov ch,0
	mov cl,1

	mov bx,empty
	mov [empty],dh
	mov [empty+1],ch
	mov [empty+2],cl
	push cx
	push ax
	push dx
	call wrtsector
	pop dx
	pop ax
	pop ax
	inc cl
	cmp cl,19
	jnz nextsector1
	mov cl,1
	inc ch
	cmp ch,79
	jnz nextsector1

	jmp do_exit

	push cs		; make ds same as cs
	pop ds
	MOV AX,3	; default text mode 3
	INT 10h
	MOV DX,TxtErr1	; error
	MOV AH,09h
	INT 21h
	mov ax,4c00h
	int 21h

	mov ax,3
	int 10h
	mov ax,4c00h
	int 21h

	push cx
	push dx
	mov dl,dh
	mov ah, 02h
	add dl, 30h
	int 21h
	mov dl,ch
	add dl, 30h
	int 21h
	mov dl,cl 
	add dl, 30h
	int 21h
	mov dx,13
  mov ah,2
  int 21h  
  mov dx,10
  mov ah,2
  int 21h
	pop dx
	pop cx

;       On entry:      AH         03h
;                      AL         Number of sectors to write
;                      CH         Cylinder number (10-bit value; upper 2 bits
;                                 in CL)
;                      CL         Starting sector number
;                      DH         Head number
;                      DL         Drive number
;                      ES:BX      Address of memory buffer
;       Returns:       AH         Status of operation (See Service 01h)
;                      AL         Number of sectors written
;                      CF         Set if error, else cleared

	mov ah, 3h    ; int13h function 2
	mov al,1
	mov dl,0
	push cs 
	pop es
	int 13h
	jc printerror

TxtErr1:	 DB "Error!",7,10,13,"$"

	file 'empty.bin'

Viewing the floppy image with ghex

Offset 7000 = Head 1, Cylinder 1 and sector 3

When doing
times 512 – ($-$$) db 0
to fill binaries to 512 bytes, you could cat the sectors to a disk/file with this knowledge.

80×86 boot demo generic work plus code optimalisation and tricks

Last Updated or created 2023-10-05

Writing tools and effects for my new boot demo.

  • Started a generic sector read/writer
  • Some effects
  • A sin/cos data writer to include into your source
  • Working on a library of functions (sector loaders, color palette, vert/hor retrace functions)
  • Laying out a memory map for the demo

Below the output of the sin/cos generator ( see used in video below )
(It also shows a visual plot of the function)

Source code python script

# importing the required module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

# Change these
numberofdatapoints = 360
maxamp = 180
howmuchfromwave = 0.5
numberofharmonies = 1
# Number of harmonies are sin/cos additions in the calculation line below

# not here
step = 360/numberofdatapoints*howmuchfromwave
offset = maxamp
maxamp = maxamp / numberofharmonies
offset = 0

x = [ ]

for xv in range(numberofdatapoints):
    xvstep=xv * step
# Calculation line
#    datapoint=np.sin(math.radians(xvstep))
# Double harmony example
    datapoint=np.sin(math.radians(xvstep)) + (np.sin(math.radians(xvstep*3))/2)

    datapoint=datapoint * maxamp
    datapoint=datapoint + offset

print("    db ", end="")
print(*x, sep = ",") 
# plotting the points 
# naming the x axis
plt.xlabel('x - axis')
# naming the y axis
plt.ylabel('y - axis')
# giving a title to my graph
# function to show the plot

Minimalistic very fast boot loader flash screen effect

Graffiti bouncher test (probably ends up bounching a 320×400 image)
This one uses the generated sintab (Using the python script above)

Test code for a text scroller

Code optimalisation/tricks

clear a (double) register?
xor ax,ax
is faster than
mov ax,0h

Want to make ds pointer same as cs?
Instead of
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
push cs
pop ds

self modifying code
mostly we just move data around, but you also can change the runtime code (instructions)

  • a – increment ax on line 103h
  • b – another part of the code/maybe in a interrupt
    10Fh load al with 48h (thats the opcode for decrement (see c)
    111h place the opcode in address 103h, which had 40h ..
    Now we changed the code to decrement next time


Populair on the C64 where resources are even more limited, you could use speedcode.
Most of the speedcode you generate, due to its repeating lines.
When looking at clock cycles you can save some extra cycles, by using a little more memory but saving on “expensive” loops.

Simple example

Left a funtion with a loop, right is the same but all instuctions sequencial

Left 15 bytes but 284 cycles

Right 39 bytes but only 102 cycles!

; below part 9 times
16 or 4
= 284 cycles

2 ; xor is faster
3 ; even 2 when you can use BX pair!
= 111 cycles (or 102 BX pair)

Moving memory blocks (No DMA)

;DS:(E)SI to address ES:(E)DI
    push cs          ; example to set es to code segment
    pop es
    mov si,1000      ; offset pointer source
    xor di,di        ; destination offset
    mov cx,320*100   ; number of transfers (See below words)
    mov ax,0a000h    ; Destination
    mov es,ax        ; destination segment 
    cld              ; Clear direction flag set SI and DI to auto-increment
    rep movsw        ; repeat mov words! until number of transfers is 0

Short binary > bcd > dec (ascii) convert for numbers (0-99)

mov ax,01ch ; = 28 
mov bx,0ah ; = 10
div bl ; divide BL by AX
       ; AX = 0802 ; Remainder/Divider
xchg ah,al ; change around (dont use if you want to keep little endian)
add ax,3030h ; offset to ascii 30=0 31=1
             ; ax ends up with 3238 .. 28