Old hardware projects unsorted – till 2000

Will add to this page … when dates are unsure

1997-2000 somewhere – Hardware webcounter

Build a hardware webcounter (it was a thing back then) , i used below schematic. Wanted to use huge 7 segment displays but never got around it to buy the large ones.. It was easily converted to multiple segments. I think i used 4 and pulses where send via a parallel port.

Old webcounter schematic

The three (my case four) buttons are to get the counter in sync with my real counter which was a CGI script. It generated html code with took numeric images and displayed these on a page, the state was stored in a file. No numbers where send to the counter, only a pulse. So no synchronisation! Not the way to do this nowadays!

Joystick recorder

I designed a joystick movement recorder for a school project.

You could record movement, and press a button to start recording. (and starting the game) It was not really usable. Because, it needed a higher recording rate, a game which always reacted to the player in the same manner. Only made a half proof of concept.

Drawing images using lasers

For another school project i wanted to be able to draw figures using a laser. One of my teachers fixed a meetup for me with a guy attending university in Enschede. He was using lasers to scan miniscule objects using a laser in groves something resembling a longplayer record.

I wanted to use two DACs to control the movement of two mirrors.
But i’d had to take into account the speed of the movement and the weight of the mirrors, else images where distorted.

He gave me a schematic which used:
2 controllabe video disc mirrors, light split glasses and amplifier part.

Previous project with Oscilloscope drawings helped, with understanding those problems.

I’ve still got the components, except for the high grade laser i lend from a friend.
But a simple laser pen should suffice

Made a webinterface for my DIY webcam

Using a steppermotor controller with two motors. A video capturing device (videoblaster) and a mini B/W camera.

  • Up/down/left/right and diagonal
    • Red double speed green single speed
  • Reset view
  • 2 Presets with save and recall
Setup with parallel cable

Written software in html and some CGI scripts.
Perl and C.

#include <asm/io.h>

# C Code for moving left

int main(int agrc,char agrv[])
  int i,wachten;
  int richting1[8]={0x27,0x2d,0x1c,0x0d,0x03,0x09,0x38,0x29};
  int richting2[8]={0x29,0x38,0x09,0x03,0x0d,0x1c,0x2d,0x27};

for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1)
        outb(richting2[i], 0x378);
        outb(1, 0x37a);
        outb(0, 0x37a);
        outb(1, 0x37a);

# Perl CGI script 

# Uses 204 no content trick to stay on same page
use LWP::Simple;
my $img = get ('');
print "Status: 204 No content\n\n";

Streaming video was done using progressive JPG push.
Later i used the capturing command in the loop below.


# push jpg, and update after 1sec
# output mime header

echo Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=--WebcamRules\n
echo --WebcamRules

# create stream

while true; do
   echo Content-type: image/jpeg
   cat /var/lib/httpd/htdocs/webcam.jpg
   echo --WebcamRules

   sleep 1

Steppermotor card was using a parallel port.

Aluminum machined part by Joost

Old skool Home Automation & GPC

The date of this post is when we worked on GMC’s GPC, but i’ll post some other own made hardware related to domotica.

GPC Original Page: https://gpc.metro.cx/gpc/README

This DIY home automation was written by GMC in C.
Later we made little microcontroller prints, which could control/switch lights and more.


We uses GPASM as assembler

One of my schematics
What is this?

 This is the Global Premises Control package. It is intended to be a
complete solution to the DIY home automation. It provides you with a
daemon which will centralize all control functions, and some custom
programs for sound, remote control and things like that.
 The first steps to realizing the goal was made by Koen Martens. He wrote
the first daemon and made the first support programs. Other people got
interested and ported the GPC package to their homes. Since then it seemed
wise to coordinate development to prevent from having three different
versions of the package. It is currently under development and is far from


 15-03-98 - The first initiative
	    With the help of Henri Aanstoot and Marco Geels the first
	    cables were mounted in the ceiling at Waalstraat 136. This
            involved re-dedicating some high voltage lines for the low 
	    voltage used by GPC equipment.
	    The next few days Koen Martens spend his time writing software
	    to switch on the lights (which was not possible without
	    software anymore :). This software was very rudimentry and 
	    did not feauture the daemon yet.
 28-03-98   Version 1.0 was born.
	    The need for a global way to control the premises arose, and
	    Koen Martens decided to write a daemon which would control the
	    input and output lines, with support programs for the logic.
	    This resulted in global, the gpc daemon. 
	    Running on different servers there were programs to control
	    lights and lightswitches (light_control), sound (sound) and
	    the alarm clock (wakeup). 
 10-06-98   Version 2.0 (r0.2.0) was born. 
	    The support programs containing any logic had vanished,
	    instead the daemon had all the logic encoded in it.    
 03-07-98   Version 2.0 still.
	    - Added remote control receiver code.
 29-11-98   GPC r0.3.0
	    - Started coordinated development
 11-12-98   GPC r0.3.1
	    - Security support included, providing a (basic) interface
	      for protecting variables with passwords on a security level 
	      clearance basis.
	    - Global notify protocol added, clients can now register one
	      or more variables. This makes the old (0.3.0) polling method
	      obsolete thus reducing the network load dramatically.
	    - Logging library added.


 The development is done on the following beta sites:

 - Subnet
	Location	: Waalstraat 136, Enschede, Netherlands
	Site coordinator: Koen Martens AKA gmc (gmc@freemail.nl)
	Site description: Single floor appartment
			  3 occupants (1 human, 2 rats)
			  P60 32MB RAM running linux
			  486 8MB RAM running FreeBSD
			  486 8MB RAM running linux
			  DEC Writer
			  WYSE terminal
			  The 486 linux machine has the daemon, and is 
			  hooked up to the premises.
			  The P60 has a sound card and a RC receiver.
 - Lip-on-ice
	Location	: Lipperkerkstraat 321, Enschede, Netherlands
	Site coordinator: Willem-Jan Faber AKA aloha AKA xtz ( And Henri Aanstoot AKA Fash)
	Site description: Three floor house
			  Four occupants (3 male, 1 female)
			  Connected to three other premises.
			  Computer list not yet in!
 - Venom
	Location	: P. Mondriaanstraat ??, Almelo, Netherlands
	Site coordinator: Sebastiaan Smit AKA venom (wssmit@freemail.nl)
	Site description: Three floor house
			  Three occupants
			  4 computers

 If you would like to join the development, mail me at gmc@freemail.nl.

In progress

 The following projects are in progress right now:
	- A script language to describe the control logic for the daemon
		Koen Martens
	- An cgi interface for the http connectivity
	- Support for sharing variables on multiple daemons


 Use is for your own risk. We can not be held responsible for any damage
resulted from running any of this software.
 Keeping that in mind, usage is very simple but work needs to be done on
the documentation :)

DIY door sensor using a bend CDROM and a sensor i got

I’d would send a signal to our computers and playing a sound sample on our sound system. Also a IRCbot named (lampje) would mention “Backdoor open” in our own channel. (We where running our own IRC servers, interconnected .. because we can. A average of 3 Clients per server sound the way to go .. LOL )
Lampje the IRCbot also controlled the livingroom light and more.

ICH Meeting

Internet Club Hengelo ..

Later we started Intranet Club Enschede, which was the birth of Icecrew.

Some explained website building, browsing the net, and tools to use.

Bigred and me build the network, and services which where used for demonstrations.
We also helped with solving network related problems.

Interview Radio Oost

Above was done with my little DIY streaming webcam.
(progressive push jpg cgi script, see other post)

I found some text/log about this day
(found a scanned item first, then i used namazu .. i love namazu, it found the original ascii text file.
(Dutch only)

Zaterdag 20 September 1997

's ochtens om 8 uur wakker gemaakt door Marco.
Ik was nog een beetje ziek, maar toch maar de 2 pc's ingepakt.
(die van Miko en die van mij)
Ook Marco z'n pc met cd-brander stond al in de auto.
Omdat het een kleine opel kadett was moesten we behoorlijk proppen.
Ondertussen had ik al overgegeven maar ik kon moeilijk thuisblijven want ik moest het netwerk voor die dag nog aan de praat zien te krijgen.
Na een 'bumpy ride' in de Kadett waren we eindelijk op de plaats van bestemming.

Hier aangekomen bleek dat waar we de pc's neer moesten zetten, toch verder van de ISDN-aansluiting was als verwacht.
Moest ik nu mijn pc (welke als proxy-server/firewall moest werken) nu in dit kantoortje staan en dan een coax naar de rest van de pc's of moesten we voor een lang ISDN kabel zorgen?
Omdat de Webcam aan mijn pc zat moesten we eigenlijk een langere ISDN kabel hebben.
(Het was ook nog een probleem met de ISDN aansluitingen omdat de beide aansluitingen die de PTT had aangelegd al bezet waren i.v.m. de telefoonaansluitingen)
Nadat we 1 van de aansluitingen eruit hadden getrokken bleek dat he helft van de telefoons in het gebouw niet meer werken.

Na bij de PTT kabel's te hebben gekocht (1x 10 meter en 1x 25 meter plus en tussenstukje 62 gulden nogwat)
Kon ik eindelijk beginnen met het opzetten van de proxy server.

(Ondertussen nog even iemand van een netwerk-kaart voorzien en andere problemen opgelost)
Ook de netwerk instellingen moesten marco en ik bij iedereen behalve Miko en mijzelf veranderen.
(Komt er ook nog 1 zeuren over Office enzo)

Na wat aanpassingen werkte de proxy-server en de webcam.
Ook de http-server op Miko's pc werkte tegelijkertijd.

We werden ook nog geinterviewed door radio-oost ofzo. Dit wilden we tegelijkertijd via de webcam op internet laten zien, maar dat kon niet want die radio-meneer moest
zijn microfoon via de telefoon laten werken om rechtstreeks in de uitzending te komen.
Dus de proxy-server maar even uitgezet en het interview als avi opgenomen.

Later nog een website gemaakt met wat foto's van die dag erop.

Voor de volgende keer moet ik wel zorgen dat ik ook Irc en Mail via de proxy kan laten werken.

Op de terugweg nog een paar keer problemen gehad met de auto, deze viel zomaar uit.
Na met een startkabel tegen de stuurkolom de auto weer aan 't starten te hebben gekregen.
Liet marco de startkabel maar tussen de deur van de auto, zo kon hij nog een paar keer de auto simpel starten door de startkabel (welke van onder de moterkap kwam) tegen de stuurkolom te houden.
Website with pictures, avi part probably contained the streaming webcam part

My first Linux installation

Roalt helped me to get my first Linux system running.

I don’t know if it was a floppy install or cd-roms.

I remember buying cdrom sets like these at our local computershop for later installs.

A year later my system was reinstalled with Slackware by Gmc.
Although Roalt helped me getting started with Linux, i’ve learned a lot from Gmc.

First time i saw an Unix system was at my friend Richard when i was 16-ish.
It was a commercial unix system he had on loan. Later he installed Minix or something simulair. This was all pre-linux

I used the Slackware distribution for a long time, but tried others also.

List of Linux distributions and other Unix variants i remember.

  • Suse
  • Redhat
  • Gentoo
  • Fedora
  • Centos/Rocky
  • Bsd
  • Aix
  • Solaris
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • Mint
  • Damn Small Linux
  • Backtrack
  • Kali
  • OpenZaurus
  • Slax
  • Puppy Linux
  • Linux Router Project

Internet costs in 1995-1996

Internet using a 14k4 modem paying by the minute.
About 0,08 cents per minute.
(Without your phone costs!)
Thats 2456 hfl (dutch guilders) per month (24*7)!
That was using the landline, nobody could touch the regular phone.
I had to tape the phone down in our Student residence.

Later I paid for a personal ISDN line.
Much faster, but with my friend Aloha we made a kickdailer.
This would start the internet connection when needed.
Some rogue processes and bad scripting later ..
We got a bill for 1000+ guilders!
It made many short connections, and stopped.
We didn’t believe this bill we got, so we requested a specified bill on paper. When it arrived, it was a pile of paper 30cm high!
Thousands of connections to the provider. Damn

Back to the year 1996
There was not yet a usable google. Only a stanford.edu prototype.
I was using altavista as my main search engine

You can check some old sites using https://theoldnet.com/browser/
(this uses archive.org as backend)

14k4 simulated with browser

Above shows a simulated 14k4 modem. (just make a bandwidth profile using settings you want to test)
First site is my tunesearch, made with low bandwidth in mind.
Second is my current (2024) site .. about 6M for a page with many images.

Verbruiksinformatie van fash
Specificatie pagina van abonnee:      fash             31 Juli 1996

Startdatum huidig abonnement:         11 Oktober 1995
Abonnementsgeld per maand:            29,95
Aantal vrije inlog uren per maand:    8:00 uur
Extra verbruikskosten per uur:        3,75
Einddatum huidig abonnement:          Onbepaald

Aantal vrije inlog uren van Juli 96:               8:00 uur
Aantal gebruikte inlog uren Juli 96:               25:27 uur
Aantal resterende vrije inlog uren van Juli 96:    0:00 uur

Al in rekening gebracht
10 Juli 1996 12 Juni 1996 14 Mei 1996 12 April 1996
(Nog) niet afgerekend
Juli 1996
(Nog) Niet afgerekende bedragen Juli 1996
abonnement:  	hfl. Is al afgerekend 

Extra verbruik:

Let op:
Het overzicht is bijgewerkt tot 30/07/96.
Het gebruik na die datum is dus nog niet in het overzicht opgenomen.


Datum 		Tijdstip 	Kosten	Aantal
		van		in	minuten
		inloggen	hfl.

30/07/96	17:56:00	0,88	14
29/07/96	22:57:00	0,19	3
24/07/96	22:23:00	2,69	43
24/07/96	22:13:00	0,56	9
23/07/96	17:57:00	7,31	117
22/07/96	21:28:00	4,75	76
22/07/96	19:34:00	1,25	20
22/07/96	19:30:00	0,31	5
22/07/96	18:31:00	1,25	20
21/07/96	21:45:00	1,06	17
20/07/96	19:41:00	0,13	2
20/07/96	19:30:00	0,06	1
19/07/96	23:39:00	0,31	5
19/07/96	22:58:00	1,94	31
18/07/96	22:11:00	0,19	3
18/07/96	21:50:00	0,44	7
17/07/96	22:04:00	2,13	34
17/07/96	17:59:00	2,63	42
16/07/96	18:51:00	0,19	3
16/07/96	18:33:00	0,19	3
15/07/96	19:00:00	3,44	55
15/07/96	18:33:00	1,50	24
14/07/96	01:51:00	0,75	12
13/07/96	22:48:00	7,63	122
13/07/96	01:16:00	10,00	160
13/07/96	01:13:00	0,13	2
13/07/96	00:59:00	0,88	14
12/07/96	21:43:00	12,25	196
12/07/96	17:41:00	0,19	3
11/07/96	18:20:00	0,25	66
10/07/96	22:25:00	0,00	43

In rekening gebracht
Datum verwerkt: 	     10 Juli 1996
Abonnement(en):		hfl. 29,95 
Extra verbruik:  	hfl. 10,55
Totaal gefaktureerd:    hfl. 40,50

Betreft abonnementen:

Maand		Bedrag	

Juli     	29,95

Betreft inlogsessies:

Datum 		Tijdstip 	Kosten	Aantal
		van		in 	minuten
		inloggen  	hfl.

Maand: Juli

09/07/96	23:05:00	0,00	2
09/07/96	22:52:00	0,00	3
09/07/96	22:24:00	0,00	2
09/07/96	22:19:00	0,00	4
09/07/96	21:54:00	0,00	24
08/07/96	22:19:00	0,00	53
08/07/96	20:47:00	0,00	30
07/07/96	18:26:00	0,00	55
06/07/96	23:30:00	0,00	74
06/07/96	23:13:00	0,00	4
06/07/96	00:37:00	0,00	3
05/07/96	23:51:00	0,00	15
05/07/96	18:57:00	0,00	14
05/07/96	18:43:00	0,00	15
03/07/96	21:46:00	0,00	6
03/07/96	21:37:00	0,00	3
03/07/96	21:31:00	0,00	2
02/07/96	21:43:00	0,00	15
02/07/96	20:26:00	0,00	46
01/07/96	17:09:00	0,00	5

Maand: Juni

28/06/96	19:52:00	1,13	18
28/06/96	19:46:00	0,13	2
27/06/96	19:49:00	1,38	22
27/06/96	19:20:00	0,38	6
26/06/96	19:08:00	0,13	2
26/06/96	18:52:00	0,19	3
24/06/96	20:41:00	0,31	5
24/06/96	20:35:00	0,38	6
23/06/96	00:23:00	2,13	34
22/06/96	15:11:00	0,50	8
21/06/96	21:29:00	0,13	2
21/06/96	19:05:00	0,56	9
21/06/96	18:22:00	0,63	10
20/06/96	17:37:00	0,13	2
20/06/96	17:15:00	0,19	3
18/06/96	22:24:00	2,25	56
18/06/96	22:13:00	0,00	12
18/06/96	21:18:00	0,00	55
16/06/96	23:15:00	0,00	3
16/06/96	21:01:00	0,00	113
15/06/96	18:50:00	0,00	11
15/06/96	18:05:00	0,00	35
13/06/96	22:57:00	0,00	9
13/06/96	22:00:00	0,00	3
13/06/96	21:14:00	0,00	29

In rekening gebracht
Datum verwerkt: 	     12 Juni 1996
Abonnement(en):		hfl. 29,95 
Extra verbruik:  	hfl. 23,07
Totaal gefaktureerd:    hfl. 53,02

Betreft abonnementen:

Maand		Bedrag	

Juni     	29,95

Betreft inlogsessies:

Datum 		Tijdstip 	Kosten	Aantal
		van		in 	minuten
		inloggen  	hfl.

Maand: Juni

05/06/96	23:31:00	0,00	2
05/06/96	23:02:00	0,00	7
03/06/96	23:27:00	0,00	4
03/06/96	22:02:00	0,00	70
03/06/96	21:50:00	0,00	56
03/06/96	21:57:00	0,00	3
03/06/96	21:54:00	0,00	3
02/06/96	23:52:00	0,00	24
02/06/96	21:41:00	0,00	11
01/06/96	00:00:00	0,00	10
31/05/96	23:17:00	2,75	43

Maand: Mei

31/05/96	23:03:00	0,75	12
29/05/96	23:17:00	0,19	3
28/05/96	23:34:00	0,13	2
28/05/96	22:43:00	0,81	13
27/05/96	22:22:00	6,13	98
27/05/96	22:08:00	0,44	7
24/05/96	21:46:00	0,75	12
24/05/96	21:14:00	1,56	25
24/05/96	21:05:00	0,56	9
24/05/96	19:14:00	4,25	68
23/05/96	21:29:00	0,56	9
23/05/96	20:39:00	3,19	51
22/05/96	23:35:00	1,00	67
19/05/96	22:46:00	0,00	83
19/05/96	21:59:00	0,00	7
19/05/96	21:47:00	0,00	3
16/05/96	19:44:00	0,00	3

In rekening gebracht
Datum verwerkt: 	     14 Mei 1996
Abonnement(en):		hfl. 29,95 
Extra verbruik:  	hfl. 14,01
Totaal gefaktureerd:    hfl. 43,96

Betreft abonnementen:

Maand		Bedrag	

Mei     	29,95

Betreft inlogsessies:

Datum 		Tijdstip 	Kosten	Aantal
		van		in 	minuten
		inloggen  	hfl.

Maand: Mei

11/05/96	20:04:00	0,00	32
11/05/96	00:12:00	0,00	40
10/05/96	22:43:00	0,00	55
08/05/96	22:21:00	0,00	30
07/05/96	20:46:00	0,00	9
04/05/96	22:14:00	0,00	28
04/05/96	21:53:00	0,00	21
04/05/96	21:29:00	0,00	20
02/05/96	23:26:00	0,00	98

Maand: April

30/04/96	00:31:00	7,38	118
29/04/96	23:15:00	4,75	76
25/04/96	21:59:00	1,88	71
23/04/96	23:09:00	0,00	15
22/04/96	23:08:00	0,00	3
20/04/96	09:21:00	0,00	51
19/04/96	18:28:00	0,00	66
18/04/96	23:44:00	0,00	2
17/04/96	22:59:00	0,00	169
15/04/96	21:09:00	0,00	3
13/04/96	01:44:00	0,00	4

In rekening gebracht
Datum verwerkt: 	     12 April 1996
Abonnement(en):		hfl. 180,67 
Extra verbruik:  	hfl. 41,27
Totaal gefaktureerd:    hfl. 221,94

Betreft abonnementen:

Maand		Bedrag	

November     	29,95
Oktober     	0,97
April     	29,95
Maart     	29,95
December     	29,95
Februari     	29,95
Januari     	29,95

Betreft inlogsessies:

Datum 		Tijdstip 	Kosten	Aantal
		van		in 	minuten
		inloggen  	hfl.

Maand: December

29/12/95	18:41:00	0,00	13
29/12/95	18:25:00	0,00	12
29/12/95	17:45:00	0,00	17

Maand: April

11/04/96	00:27:00	0,00	103
10/04/96	15:59:00	0,00	12
10/04/96	15:24:00	0,00	11

Maand: Maart

29/03/96	20:32:00	3,05	37
28/03/96	21:34:00	2,06	25
28/03/96	21:19:00	1,24	15
28/03/96	21:14:00	0,08	1
27/03/96	22:02:00	4,21	51
26/03/96	17:59:00	1,65	20
26/03/96	17:37:00	1,57	19
25/03/96	20:56:00	2,15	26
25/03/96	19:54:00	4,79	58
24/03/96	14:09:00	2,15	26
24/03/96	13:52:00	0,58	7
24/03/96	12:25:00	3,96	48
23/03/96	22:28:00	7,51	91
23/03/96	21:10:00	6,27	76
23/03/96	20:17:00	0,00	2
23/03/96	18:17:00	0,00	65
23/03/96	14:01:00	0,00	31
23/03/96	00:46:00	0,00	61
22/03/96	22:24:00	0,00	10
22/03/96	22:16:00	0,00	7
22/03/96	22:07:00	0,00	9
22/03/96	21:38:00	0,00	29
22/03/96	21:28:00	0,00	10
22/03/96	20:43:00	0,00	40
22/03/96	16:39:00	0,00	41
22/03/96	16:36:00	0,00	2
22/03/96	16:24:00	0,00	11
19/03/96	19:15:00	0,00	8
19/03/96	18:40:00	0,00	34

Maand: Februari

02/02/96	19:04:00	0,00	41

Maand: Januari

12/01/96	21:18:00	0,00	2
05/01/96	23:18:00	0,00	29

Hardware scroller

I came across a really old post from 1996.
It was from a good friend of mine Martin.

It was a while before this post, which was by Fido mail, that he came to our house with a great idea. (1993)

FidoNet is a worldwide computer network that is used for communication between bulletin board systems (BBSes). It uses a store-and-forward system to exchange private (email) and public (forum) messages between the BBSes in the network, as well as other files and protocols in some cases. (Dial-up!)

He took a record player and connected leds to it. Connecting this to a C64 and synching the speed of rotation and the output, he wanted to display text on this.

Probably this was the mistery tape i mentioned here:

So he did the most of the programming, i made a version of my own and added a sync bit to it. This enabled it to get the scolling text more “in place”

Some pictures from Sepp’s website

--- Terminate 3.00/Pro
 * Origin: Sepp Mail Development Department (2:283/334.13)

Msg  :  781     [1-3089]                   Loc
From : Martin ********                     02-Apr-96  00:59:51  2:283/334.13
To   : Henri Aanstoot                                           2:283/334
Subj : Hardware scroller
* Written in: TUKKER=PROAT
Ha die Henri!
 MM>> Heb je de laatste KIJK al gezien??? Die eikels hebben onze 8-ledjes-
 MM>> hardware-scroller na zitten maken, alleen scrollt-ie bij hunnie niet
 MM>> in de vorm van een cirkel, maar hebben ze mijn ruitenwisserversie
 MM>> gebruikt... En het enige wat-ie doet is de tijd aangeven...
 HA> Bah, wat een na-apers.
Ja, vreselijk...

 HA> Maar die van ons was toch beter!
Inderdaad... kunnen ze nog wat van leren... :-)

 MM>> Btw is jouw prototype nog operationeel??? De mijne niet, omals de
 HA> Nee, ik wil heb eigenlijk opnieuw bouwen! (was ik al een tijdje van plan)
Met full-colour LEDs, 16 hoog???

 MM>> elastiekjes die ik heb gebruikt in de loop der tijd helemaal poreus
 MM>> We moeten maar weer eens iets compleet revolutionair nieuws uitvinden,
 MM>> ik heb nog wel een paar innovatieve ideejen...
 HA> Als je gaat kijken wat ze allemaal van mijn gejat hebben .......
Nou, vertel...

To the loo,

Martin ********

"If something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing."