Finished a display case for the SDK-85

So i made a nice display case for this SDK.

I made some designs and came up with this:

I just took a 12mm x 60mm piece of wood, and made a slit for the acrylic plastic using a circular saw, and removed a part for the back-plate using a wood router. I found a piece of acrylic in my shed, cut it to the right size using the circular saw. Slapped some paint on the wood.

I want to be able to use the sdk whenever i want, so i made a sliding window thingy. ( With wooden handle so the frame looks intact when closed. )

Then I 3D printed some holders, which I designed using Openscad.

Openscad code


    cylinder(h=9, d1=9, d2=9, center=true);
cylinder(h=9, d1=15, d2=15, center=true);
 cylinder(h=30, d1=3.5, d2=3.5, center=true);

I will probably add a powerconnector and lasercut a hole for the keypad at a later stage.

Made a case for my page turner

Using OpenScad I ended up with this .. a nice minimal design

Openscad file (Jup thats all)


cube([96,30,12],center = true);
cube([15,30,23],center = true);
cube([15,30,23],center = true);
cube([90,30-6,24],center = true);
cube([90,20,30],center = true);
cube([77,20,35],center = true);

Making a leather seat for a man-cave

Made a little design in blender.
A friend needed a seat in his man-cave, the same one I fitted with the mobile phone charging station, and wled ledstrings.

It is for below some stairs.
It’s a piece of wood (leftovers), some leather I still had lying around.
Scaffolding tubes, foam, some decorative nails and stage-tape.

Clay press to make a brick wall (for models)

I found a nice tile-able image on the internet to make into a clay press.

UPDATE: 20230406

Using Blender and 3D printing, I’ve got this result.

Take a flat image an convert to black-white. Then invert!

Create cylinder in blender.
Change capfill into nothing, and set sizes.
Add modifier: Solidify
Add texture
CTRL-R and divide, then subdivide
Subdivide surface
Add displace modifier.
Texture coordinates UV.
Displacement negative 0.1-0.3

UPDATE: 20230406

I need to apply the white/gray first in all cracks, and the red color is a little off.

Laser cutting a door sign

I’ve got a nice stone slate, perfect for a door sign.

I wanted to paint our names and house number. But now that i’ve got a lasercutter, lets do that.

I’m going to use the design i’ve used for the Folkband Bags, and add some stuff.

First test on the back of the slate

Using a Sculpfun S9, Power 100 and speed 100mm/s

I will add the final result to this page

Quentin Tarantino in Amsterdam to promote his book.

Being cinephiles.. we had to go .. and we didn´t regret it!

We went to Carré listening to Mr Tarantino talking about his book. Someone interviewed him about his life, and love for movies. He told many anecdotes and side stories. Sometimes with little clips from movies he talked about.
We were very lucky to have seats on the 6th row!

Beforehand I met another movie hero of mine, and got the change of talking to him personally.
Mister van Koolhoven! I posted about him in the past

He was very nice and approachable, gave me some tips to check out.
Like letterboxd.

A superb evening! And we also bought the book.

Guess the code in Node Red

I asked ChatGPT to write code for me, i was not completely correct, and in Python.
I wrote my on version in JavaScript so it can be used in NodeRed as a function.

The codes are entered using a keypad (Arduino) and send via MQTT

Node Red Dash board


var code = global.get("mysetcode");
var good = 0;
var wrong = 0;
var wrongplace = 0;
var match = false;
var wrongchars = 0;
var wrongplaced = 0;
var goodchars = 0;
var payloadcode = msg.payload.toString();

var usr_input = Array.from(payloadcode);
var secret_code = Array.from(code);
var secret_code1 = secret_code;

if (msg.payload === code) {
    match = true;
var result = "";

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    var found = false;
    if (usr_input[i] === secret_code[i]) {
    usr_input[i] = "a";
    secret_code[i] = "b";
        good = good + 1;

for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    var found = false;
    for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        if (usr_input[i] === secret_code[j]) {
                found = true;
        if (!found) {
    wrong = wrong + 1;

wrongchars = wrong - good;
wrongplaced = 4 - good - wrongchars;

msg.goodchars = good;
msg.wrongchars = wrongchars;
msg.wrongplace = wrongplaced;
msg.result = result;
msg.match = match;
return msg;

Converting a analog joystick to digital

When you need a large digital joystick, but only got an analog one. You can use below code to make the joystick act as a digital one.

I’ve played with analog joysticks on digital pins also, it can be done. But it can be buggy, and needs extra code.

Note: The joystick pins are marked with 5V, but when you use a Arduino which can only read till 3.3V using its ADC (Analog Digital Convertors), you can get some weird readings.
When moving down and left is reads okay, but up and right react as being connected together!
Just try it with 3.3V or use a resistor.

Above shows a ESP32, but below code has Arduino Nano pin names, change accordingly.


The code gives you a direction only once, you will need to move the stick to the middle position first and then move again.

Below gave me readings between 0 and 1024 (10 bits)
Hence the between 350 and 650 for the middle position.

Most will give you a reading between 0 and 4096.

Want to set the resolution yourself?

  analogReadResolution(10); // 10 bits
int val1 =0;
int val2 =0;

void setup()

void loop()
    int sensorValue1 = analogRead(A0);
    int sensorValue2 = analogRead(A1);

    if (sensorValue1 > 650){
      if (val1 == 0){ 
      Serial.println(" ");
    else if (sensorValue1 < 350){ 
      if (val1 == 0){
      Serial.println(" ");
    else if (sensorValue2 > 350 && sensorValue2 < 650){
    if (sensorValue2 > 650){
      if (val2 == 0){ 
      Serial.println(" ");
    else if (sensorValue2 < 350){ 
      if (val2 == 0){
      Serial.println(" ");
    else if (sensorValue2 > 350 && sensorValue2 < 650){


"If something is worth doing, it's worth overdoing."